A low self-esteem could begin way back in childhood when children are made to believe that they are worthless. Their self-confidence is eroded, and they succumb to the idea that they can never achieve success in anything that they do.
They were picked on, laughed at, pushed around, called ugly names, and treated with disdain. No wonder they grew up to be full of resentment.
If that was your experience, it is time you cut yourself loose from that mindset and do self-esteem improvement. Start reading about the life of successful persons and you will soon discover that many of them had such low self-esteem that they could not even complete an elementary education.
Many decided to override their low self-esteem and improve their attitude, whatever it took. They became some of the greatest men and women that ever lived.
Low self-esteem has never helped anyone else and it sure will not help you. It can only drive you into depression, anger, grudge, fear and all the other evils that it generates.
Start re-programming your thinking and controlling your state of mind. You must believe that you are worth much more than you think, or you will remain at the foot of the ladder and never make an attempt to climb it.
Do not waste your life away with feelings of inadequacies. Instead, think of ways to go about self-esteem improvement. This page is here to help you and will be making posts on how to go about it in the next few days. Success is yours, but you reach out to it with action and grasp it.
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