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Open Letter To Bishop David Oyedepo: Defending The Undefendable, By Kenpaul Obieke


Beloved Bishop David Oyedepo!!! Sir ,your explaining why you retired people supposed to be custodians is undefendable. These elders are supposed to be there due to experience in helping the younger ones. Ministry is not a CAREER but a CALLING. Why I have to write you this letter is because it is one error too many. When elders are no more found children will begin to eat vultures thinking it is chicken. This is TERROR of an ERROR that must be condemned to avoid emulation. Some people out of whatever could be clapping for you but I doubt if God is. You have proved that you are the one who called them and so chose to uncall or retire them for best reasons known to you. We can do nothing against the TRUTH but for the TRUTH. The way christianity is going especially in Africa, is a COMPLETE DEPARTURE from the standard of Christ and His apostles. Are we still building according to the foundation as commanded? Only you cannot retire because you are ancient of days. How should these ones retire after decades of loyalty to you. At 60 they should REFIRE not RETIRE. Nobody must copy this in the Body of Christ. Is church a scam? Africa, a backward poor continent with citizens of sufferers and evil governments have the richest pastors in the world and biggest auditoriums of deceit centers.

All these are why MOCKERY is being made of the church that Christ bought with His most precious Blood. Foolish people can try to support or defend you because they are blinded by mammon. Let us all remember that JUDGMENT is coming and the account of whatever you have done will be given to the God who is not a respecter of persons. At what age did you read that John the oldest of the apostles was retired? All the apostles including Peter died for this Gospel that is being merchandized and bastardized. What will you tell God that you retired people that are not tired and for what reason. Let me make known clearly the main reason of writing you this open letter. It is not just for you but for all the Body of Christ to know that this is not something to EMULATE.For those supporting you in error, trying to defend the undefendable, let them be ready to share in God’s judgement. Their reward might even be greater because those who support evil are the main evil. Thank you sir and God bless.
Trusting GOD that you will prayerfully and painstakingly read through and have a RETHINK.

Witness KENPAUL Obieke.
….Sanitizing The Church.

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