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7 Signs Your Partner Has Had An Affair, According To Psychologists


1) Sudden change in appearance

When love is in the air, we all make an effort to look our best. But if your partner has suddenly started to take their appearance more seriously, there could be more to it.

Yes, it’s great they’re suddenly hitting the gym every day or they’ve traded in their old wardrobe for a new, stylish one. But if it seems out of character or there’s no apparent reason for the change, it might be time to ask some questions.

Of course, a new look doesn’t automatically mean infidelity. But when coupled with other signs on this list, an abrupt change in appearance can be a red flag.

So keep an eye out if your partner’s style has taken an unexpected turn. It could be just a phase…or it could be something more.

2) They’re more attentive and loving than usual

This one might seem counterintuitive. After all, wouldn’t someone having an affair be less attentive to their partner, not more?

So if your partner’s suddenly acting like you’re in the early days of your relationship again, it might not be as sweet as it seems.

3) They’re overly secretive with their devices

Now, we all need a bit of privacy. But if your partner suddenly starts guarding their device like it’s the gold in Fort Knox, something might be up.

Maybe they’ve started taking phone calls in another room, or they’ve added a password to a device that was previously open. Perhaps they tense up every time you’re near their phone or computer.

These could be signs they’re hiding something, like an affair.

4) Their schedule suddenly changes

Work can be unpredictable, and we all have to pull a late night or go on an unexpected business trip from time to time. But if your partner’s schedule has suddenly changed without a convincing explanation, it might be cause for concern.

Perhaps they’re staying late at work more often, or they’re taking more business trips than usual. Maybe they’ve started going out with friends more often and coming home late.

It doesn’t mean that they’re definitely having an affair, but it’s worth noting if their reactions to simple inquiries seem out of proportion.

I remember a couple I counseled once where the husband would get extremely defensive every time his wife asked him about his day. It turned out he was hiding an affair. The defensiveness was a way to deflect attention from his actions.

6) They criticize you more

If your partner starts to find faults in everything you do, it might be a sign they’re trying to justify an affair. They could be attempting to shift the blame onto you, or even trying to make themselves feel less guilty.

This behavior can be particularly hurtful. It can shake your self-confidence and make you question your worth.

I once had a client who was constantly criticized by her partner for the smallest things. It turned out he was having an affair and was projecting his guilt onto her.

As Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” Well, that it’s not about you; it’s about their actions and choices.

Stay strong and don’t let anyone make you feel less than you are. For more support and insights on relationships, don’t hesitate to follow me on Facebook. I share my latest articles there, and it could really help to have them pop up in your feed.

7) They’ve stopped saying “I love you”

Three words. Three simple words that can mean the world in a relationship. If your partner has stopped saying “I love you,” it could be a sign that their feelings have changed.

Now, this doesn’t necessarily mean they’re having an affair. But when combined with other signs on this list, it’s a warning that something is amiss.

Love isn’t just about grand gestures and passionate moments. It’s about the quiet, everyday assurances that we matter to someone. When those assurances start to fade, it’s only natural to question why.

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